Account Quotes
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Genealogy, n. An account of one's descent from a man who did not particularly care to trace his own.
Tags: Care, Descent ✍ Author: Ambrose BierceIn a Union of 15 now, you must take into account the sensibilities of everyone.
Tags: Everyone, Union ✍ Author: Rick SantelliI have a thought for Nicolas Sarkozy, you know my loyalty on his account, but I profess it too for Jacques Chirac.
Tags: Loyalty, Thought ✍ Author: Jean-Francois CopeNothing shortens a journey so pleasantly as an account of misfortunes at which the hearer is permitted to laugh.
Tags: Journey, Laugh ✍ Author: Quentin CrispMr. Ware has no right to discharge any of his laborers on account of their political opinion.
Tags: Opinion, Political ✍ Author: Charles E. MerrillOne of the functions of intelligence is to take account of the dangers that come from trusting solely to the intelligence.
Tags: Dangers, Trusting ✍ Author: Lewis MumfordAnd because his Spirit was wholly God, he is called God, and he is called man on account of his flesh.
Tags: God, Spirit ✍ Author: Michael Servetus