Alan Moore's Quotes

Born: 1953-11-18
Profession: Writer
Nation: British
Biography of Alan Moore
If you're functional, it doesn't matter if you're mad.
Tags: Functional, Mad, MatterIn the human mind, the number of possible connections that can be made between neurons greatly exceeds the number of atoms in the universe.
Tags: Between, Human, MindIt has occurred to me that the superhero really only originates in America. That seems to be the only country that has produced this phenomenon.
Tags: America, Country, SeemsLanguage comes first. It's not that language grows out of consciousness, if you haven't got language, you can't be conscious.
Tags: Conscious, Grows, LanguageLondon has been used as the emblematic English city, but it's far from representative of what life in England is actually about.
Tags: Far, Life, UsedMoney's fine if it enables you to enjoy your life and to be useful to other people. But as something that is a means to an end, no, it's useless.
Tags: End, Life, MoneyTelevision and movies have short-circuited reality. I don't think a lot of people are entirely clear on what is real and what is on the screen.
Tags: Movies, Real, RealityThe Conservative Party is a religion in that they are bound together by belief. Almost any organization has its religious aspects.
Tags: Almost, Religion, TogetherThere are two worlds we live in: a material world, bound by the laws of physics, and the world inside our mind, which is just as important.
Tags: Inside, Mind, PhysicsThere has been a rather unpleasant sensibility apparent in Frank Miller's work for quite a long time.
Tags: Rather, Time, WorkWhile the revolution will be certainly televised, it strikes me that there is a strong possibility that the revolution will also be crowd-funded.
Tags: Revolution, Strong, WhileWriting is a very focused form of meditation. Just as good as sitting in a lotus position.
Tags: Good, Meditation, WritingA lot of people have found the idea of living your life over and over again absolutely terrifying; there's some people that find it very comforting. There are others that are appalled by it.
Tags: Life, Living, OthersAll too often education actually acts as a form of aversion therapy, that what we're really teaching our children is to associate learning with work and to associate work with drudgery so that the remainder of their lives they will possibly never go near a book because they associate books with learning, learning with work and work with drudgery.
Tags: Education, Learning, WorkAs people get more desperate, history suggests that they're not going to rise in a mighty proletarian tidal wave and wash away their oppressors. They're gonna turn on each other.
Tags: Away, Desperate, HistoryCertainly, my many years working in the comics industry, creating products that I do not own, has made me rather fierce on the subject of giving up rights.
Tags: Giving, Rather, WorkingEvery film is a remake of a previous film, or a remake of a television series that everyone loved in the 1960s, or a remake of a television series that everyone hated in the 1960s. Or it's a theme park ride; it will soon come to breakfast cereal mascots.
Tags: Everyone, Film, LovedEverything you've ever read of mine is first-draft. This is one of the peculiarities of the comics field. By the time you're working on chapter three of your masterwork, chapter one is already in print. You can't go back and suddenly decide to make this character a woman, or have this one fall out of a window.
Tags: Character, Time, WomanFor me, there is very little difference between magic and art. To me, the ultimate act of magic is to create something from nothing: It's like when the stage magician pulls the rabbit from the hat.
Tags: Act, Art, BetweenHere's the thing: If you're monitoring every single thing that goes on in a given culture, if you have all the information that is there to be had, then that is the equivalent of having none of it. How are you going to process that amount of information?
Tags: Culture, Here, SingleI don't think you can separate a place from its history. I think a place is much more than the bricks and mortar that go into its construction. I think it's more than the accidental topography of the ground it stands on.
Tags: Ground, History, PlaceI find that if I'm watching somebody upon television or in a movie that is on a window ledge or in some high precarious position my hand starts sweating and I get that crawling feeling in the soles of my feet.
Tags: Feeling, High, MovieI increasingly fear that nothing good can come of almost any adaptation, and obviously that's sweeping. There are a couple of adaptations that are perhaps as good or better than the original work. But the vast majority of them are pointless.
Tags: Fear, Good, WorkI really can't be bothered going to a barber. And shaving every morning, that's nightmarish. I spent my teenage years covered in tiny little bits of toilet paper.
Tags: Morning, Paper, TeenageI suppose all fictional characters, especially in adventure or heroic fiction, at the end of the day are our dreams about ourselves. And sometimes they can be really revealing.
Tags: Dreams, End, SometimesI suppose when I was writing 'V for Vendetta' I would in my secret heart of hearts have thought: 'Wouldn't it be great if these ideas actually made an impact?' So when you start to see that idle fantasy intrude on the regular world... It's peculiar.
Tags: Great, Heart, WritingVisit partners pages
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I think there's always been a traditionally apocalyptic side to British science fiction, from H.G. Wells onwards. I mean, most of Wells' stories are potentially apocalyptic in some sense or another.
Tags: Mean, Science, SenseI'm dependent on writing for a living, so really it's to my advantage to understand how the creative process works. One of the problems is, when you start to do that, in effect you're going to have to step off the edge of science and rationality.
Tags: Science, Understand, WritingI'm not personally connected to the Internet, although nearly everyone that I know is, and many of them have a great time and no problems with it. And on the surface you can see that the Internet could go an awful long way to educating, enlightening, informing and connecting the world.
Tags: Great, Problems, TimeI've come to think that the universe is a four-dimensional site in which nothing is changing and nothing is moving. The only thing that is moving along the time axis is our consciousness. The past is still there, the future has always been here. Every moment that has existed or will ever exist is all part of this giant hyper-moment of space-time.
Tags: Future, Moving, TimeI've developed a theory that there's an inverse relationship between money and imagination. That if you've got lots of imagination then you don't really need much money, and if you've got lots of money then you won't bother with much imagination.
Tags: Between, Money, WonI've got nothing against America, but I went over there a couple of times and didn't really like it. I mean, not that I like England that much, but it's somewhere to live.
Tags: Against, America, MeanI've had years of bizarre hallucinogenic magical experiences in which I believed I had communicated with entities that may well have been disassociated parts of my own personality or conceivably some independent entity of a metaphysical nature. Both would seem equally interesting.
Tags: Both, May, NatureIf you give me a typewriter and I'm having a good day, I can write a scene that will astonish its readers. That will perhaps make them laugh, perhaps make them cry - that will have some emotional clout to it. It doesn't cost much to do that.
Tags: Emotional, Good, LaughIf you look at that incredible burst of fantastic characters that emerged in the late 19th century/early 20th century, you can see so many of the fears and hopes of those times embedded in those characters. Even in throwaway bits of contemporary culture you can often find some penetrating insights into the real world around us.
Tags: Often, Real, TimesIf you're going to have any kind of political opposition in the 21st century, then it has to be as fundamentally liquid as the rapidly changing society we're living in.
Tags: Living, Political, SocietyIn comics the reader is in complete control of the experience. They can read it at their own pace, and if there's a piece of dialogue that seems to echo something a few pages back, they can flip back and check it out, whereas the audience for a film is being dragged through the experience at the speed of 24 frames per second.
Tags: Control, Experience, FewIn many ways, my entire graphic novel career was a long diversion. Originally, all I wanted to do was to be an underground cartoonist and maybe bring out a groovy underground mag.
Tags: Career, Maybe, WantedIn the sixties, for anybody to suggest that the government didn't have our best interests at heart and policemen sometimes killed people would have automatically made them a radical firebrand lefty. That's not the case anymore.
Tags: Best, Government, HeartIt is my belief that all gods are stories, or at least the ideas behind stories, but stories or ideas that have become in some way almost alive and aware.
Tags: Alive, Almost, BecomeIt may be true that the only reason the comic book industry now exists is for this purpose, to create characters for movies, board games and other types of merchandise.
Tags: Book, Movies, TrueIt's not my job to tell people what to think. If I can actually in some way help the readers' own creative thinking, then that's got to be to everybody's benefit.
Tags: Help, Job, ThinkingLife is a lot more interesting if you are interested in the people and the places around you. So, illuminate your little patch of ground, the people that you know, the things that you want to commemorate. Light them up with your art, with your music, with your writing, with whatever it is that you do.
Tags: Art, Life, MusicMagic is a state of mind. It is often portrayed as very black and gothic, and that is because certain practitioners played that up for a sense of power and prestige. That is a disservice. Magic is very colorful. Of this, I am sure.
Tags: Black, Mind, PowerMost of the people who get sent to die in wars are young men who've got a lot of energy and would probably rather, in a better world, be putting that energy into copulation rather than going over there and blowing some other young man's guts out.
Tags: Die, Men, YoungNo matter how powerful our political and religious leaders think they are, they are as dust before the immense and implacable forces of history and progress. I just hope that they don't make too much of a mess or take too many more people down with them.
Tags: History, Hope, PowerfulOf course, Marxism is an example of what Carl Popper would have called a 'World Three' structure, in that it's got immense power as an idea, but you couldn't actually hold up anything in the world and say: 'this is Marxism'.
Tags: Idea, Power, ThreeOne of the advantages of travelling the world is that you get to know the world broadly. And one of the advantages of staying in one place is that you get to know the world deeply.
Tags: Deeply, Place, StayingOne of the reasons why I don't leave Northampton is that the people don't treat me like a celebrity. I've been here for years; I'm just that bloke with long hair.
Tags: Here, Treat, WhyOne of the things I don't like about film is its incredible immersive quality. It's kind of bullying - it's very big, it's very flashy, it's got a lot of weight and it throws it around almost to the detriment of the rest of our culture.
Tags: Big, Bullying, FilmOur environments shape the way we see ourselves. If you have been condemned to live in an area that is pretty evidently a rat-run, then sooner or later you're gonna come to the conclusion that you're a rat.
Tags: Later, Ourselves, PrettyPeople have asked me why I made the first chapter of my first novel so long, and in an invented English. The only answer I can come up with that satisfies me is, 'To keep out the scum.'
Tags: English, Keep, WhyRight from the outset, the prevailing mindset in British comics fandom was a radical and progressive one. We were all proto-hippies, and we all thought that comics would be greatly improved if everything was a bit psychedelic like Jim Steranko.
Tags: Bit, Mindset, ThoughtRomantic poetry had its heyday when people like Lord Byron were kicking it large. But you try and make a living as a poet today, and you'll find it's very different!
Tags: Poetry, Romantic, TodaySince I am me, I find it very difficult to judge how fascinating listening to my nasal, heavily-accented drone for two hours would be to somebody who wasn't me.
Tags: Difficult, Judge, SinceThe one thing with writing stories about the rise of fascism is that if you wait long enough, you'll almost certainly be proved right. Fascism is like a hydra - you can cut off its head in the Germany of the '30s and '40s, but it'll still turn up on your back doorstep in a slightly altered guise.
Tags: Enough, Wait, WritingThe roots of the word 'anarchy' are 'an archos,' 'no leaders,' which is not really about the kind of chaos that most people imagine when the word 'anarchy' is mentioned. I think that anarchy is, to the contrary, about taking personal responsibility for yourself.
Tags: Personal, Word, YourselfThere's a widespread cultural barrenness across art and political culture. But there are some pockets of resistance on the extreme margins, like the techno-savvy protest movements, small press, the creator-owned comics, that seem to be getting some signs of hope for the future.
Tags: Art, Future, HopeThere's been a growing dissatisfaction and distrust with the conventional publishing industry, in that you tend to have a lot of formerly reputable imprints now owned by big conglomerates.
Tags: Big, Distrust, GrowingThere's nothing that could get me interested in Hollywood again. And, increasingly, there's nothing that could get me interested in the American comics industry again.
Tags: Again, American, InterestedWar never accomplishes anything. It's never going to look good in the history books. People are never going to look back and think, 'He started a lot of wars; what a great leader he was!' That's not the way it works. God knows how many more of these things we're going to need before it starts to sink in.
Tags: God, Good, GreatWay back in the day, when I first started and had delusions of adequacy as a cartoonist, I would listen to music. When I switched to a career as a writer, I would try to listen to music, but if the songs had lyrics they would get in the way of the words I was trying to write. So I switched to listening to purely instrumental pieces.
Tags: Career, Music, WordsWhen alchemists were talking about turning lead to gold, they were talking about turning a leaden consciousness, which most of us exist in during our lives, into a golden consciousness, which is a much better place to be.
Tags: Lives, Place, TalkingWhen I started writing comics, 'comics writer' was the most obscure job in the world! If I wanted to be a celebrity, I would have become a moody English screen actor.
Tags: Become, Job, WritingWhen I'm putting a story together, I generally know the ending and a couple of the points halfway through, and I've got sort of an idea about the beginning, and although I do write the story one sentence at a time, when I'm thinking it up, I'm thinking it up all at once.
Tags: Thinking, Time, TogetherBecause our entire universe is made up of consciousness, we never really experience the universe directly we just experience our consciousness of the universe, our perception of it, so right, our only universe is perception.
Tags: Experience, Perception, UniverseDon't leave home without your sword - your intellect.
Tags: Home, Intelligence, LeaveTo paint comic books as childish and illiterate is lazy. A lot of comic books are very literate - unlike most films.
Tags: Books, Films, LazyTo some degree Satanism is purely a kind of disease of Christianity. You've got to really be Christian to believe in Satan.
Tags: Christian, Degree, SatanWar is a perversion of sex.
Tags: Perversion, Sex, WarA lot of the critique of our growing mechanization was actually at its strongest, and arguably at its most perceptive, during the late '60s.
Tags: Actually, Growing, LateArt makes us feel less alone. It makes us think: somebody else has thought this, somebody else has had these feelings.
Tags: Alone, Art, FeelingsAs far as I can see, it's not important that we have free will, just as long as we have the illusion of free will to stop us going mad.
Tags: Far, Free, MadCulture is just a shambling zombie that repeats what it did in life; bits of it drop off, and it doesn't appear to notice.
Tags: Culture, Life, OffFamously, there's not really anywhere to go after nihilism. It's not progressing toward anything, it's a statement of outrage, however brilliant.
Tags: After, Brilliant, HoweverI don't really think that very much is interesting about the superhero as an archetype.
Tags: SuperheroI don't think any of us grew up into the world we were hoping for or expecting.
Tags: Expecting, HopingI think that in an increasingly virtual world, lovingly produced artefacts are at a premium.
Tags: Lovingly, Premium, VirtualI think that the Occupy movement is, in one sense, the public saying that they should be the ones to decide who's too big to fail.
Tags: Big, Saying, SenseI think that we need mythology. We need a bedrock of story and legend in order to live our lives coherently.
Tags: Lives, Order, StoryI try to do things in comics that cannot be repeated by television, by movies, by interactive entertainment.
Tags: Cannot, Movies, TryI was kind of a selfish child, who always wanted things his way, and I've kind of taken that over into my relationship with the world.
Tags: Child, Selfish, WantedI'm not a particularly dark individual. I have my moments, it's true, but I do have a sense of humor.
Tags: Dark, Humor, TrueI've never studied anything formally. I was excluded from school at the age of 17, so I am an autodidact, which is a word that I have taught myself.
Tags: Age, School, Word