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American Actors Quotes

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American Actors quote #1
American Actors quote #2

I'm used to American actors who have a movie career thinking television acting is beneath them.

Tags: Acting, Career, Thinking  ✍ Author: Alan Ball

American actors are all muscular, tanned, white teeth and they have this indestructible confidence. We British are all... Dare I say it? Pessimistic.

Tags: American, Confidence, White  ✍ Author: Max Irons

No matter what happens, we couldn't let people say Asian-American actors can't act.

Tags: Act, Happens, Matter  ✍ Author: Mako

I think the world's a little smaller these days. With the Internet and the availability of people, the pool of English speaking actors - not just American actors, but Brits, Australians, New Zealanders, Irish. We're all up for grabs.

Tags: American, Days, Irish  ✍ Author: Sonya Walger

I think American actors are much more intimidated by Shakespeare.

Tags: American  ✍ Author: Alan Cumming

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American Actors quote #2
American Actors quote #2
American Actors quote #2
American Actors quote #2
American Actors quote #2
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