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American Pie Quotes

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American Pie quote #1
American Pie quote #2

I would rather do really good French films than 'American Pie.'

Tags: American, Good, Rather  ✍ Author: Guillaume Canet

In order for American Pie to have worked, you have to have a character who, even while he is humping a pie, the audience still likes.

Tags: American, Character, While  ✍ Author: Jason Biggs

Well, I'm proud to say American Pie was the kind of crazy, gross-out film that guys thought was the greatest.

Tags: Crazy, Greatest, Thought  ✍ Author: Jason Biggs

I get a lot of dark scripts now. I don't wanna be stuck doing movies like American Pie. For someone my age, once you get started doing them, it's hard to get out.

Tags: Age, Movies, Someone  ✍ Author: Agnes Bruckner

American Pie speaks to the loss that we feel. That's why that song has found the niche that it has.

Tags: American, Song, Why  ✍ Author: Don McLean

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American Pie quote #2
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American Pie quote #2
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