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Amy Hempel's Quotes

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Born: 1951-12-14
Profession: Writer
Nation: American
Biography of Amy Hempel

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Amy Hempel's quote #1
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Amy Hempel's quote #4

I do feel that if you can write one good sentence and then another good sentence and then another, you end up with a good story.

Tags: Another, End, Good

I wanted to be a veterinarian, but slipped up when I hit organic chemistry.

Tags: Chemistry, Hit, Wanted

I had a mother I could only seem to please with verbal accomplishments of some sort or another. She read constantly, so I read constantly. If I used words that might have seemed surprising at a young age, she would recognize that and it would please her.

Tags: Age, Mother, Words

I probably have less revision than those who have that wonderful rush of story to tell - you know, I can't wait to tell you what happened the other day. It comes tumbling out and maybe then they go back and refine. I kind of envy that way of working, but I just have never done it.

Tags: Done, Envy, Working

I started writing by doing small related things but not the thing itself, circling it and getting closer. I had no idea how to write fiction. So I did journalism because there were rules I could learn. You can teach someone to write a news story. They might not write a great one, but you can teach that pretty easily.

Tags: Great, Someone, Writing

I'm not first and foremost interested in story and the what-happens, but I'm interested in who's telling it and how they're telling it and the effects of whatever happened on the characters and the people.

Tags: Interested, Story, Whatever

I've always known when I start a story what the last line is. It's always been the case, since the first story I ever wrote. I don't know how it's going to get there, but I seem to need the destination. I need to know where I end up. It never changes, ever.

Tags: End, Last, Start

Obviously, in journalism, you're confined to what happens. And the tendency to embellish, to mythologize, it's in us. It makes things more interesting, a closer call. But journalism taught me how to write a sentence that would make someone want to read the next one.

Tags: Makes, Someone, Write
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