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Apache Quotes

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Apache quote #1
Apache quote #2

Certainly I get a lot personally out of it as well, there's the recognition and things like that but mostly I try to take that as an opportunity to explain why I hope we could see more projects like Apache out there and why it's a good thing for society.

Tags: Good, Hope, Society  ✍ Author: Brian Behlendorf

So that's my main role right now and really the politics also includes going out and communicating to the world why Apache is a good thing, why companies should be involved in it, and why individuals should be involved in it too.

Tags: Good, Politics, Why  ✍ Author: Brian Behlendorf

People ask me from time to time what it was like growing up with Henry Fonda as my father. I say, Ever see Fort Apache? He was like Colonel Thursday.

Tags: Father, Thursday, Time  ✍ Author: Peter Fonda

Remember the valiant Iraqi peasant and how he shot down an American Apache with an old weapon.

Tags: American, Old, Remember  ✍ Author: King Hussein I

There are two main methodologies of open source development. There's the Apache model, which is design by committee - great for things like web servers. Then you have the benevolent dictator model. That's what Ubuntu is doing, with Mark Shuttleworth.

Tags: Design, Great, Open  ✍ Author: Matt Mullenweg

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