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List of authors quotes by "A"

Some authors have a biography and you can goto by link "profile" for take a look it.
Antonia Fraser Antonia Fraser - 1932-08-27, Author, bio  (29 quotes found)
Arthur Freed Arthur Freed - 1970-01-01, Producer, bio  (5 quotes found)
Ace Frehley Ace Frehley - 1951-04-27, Musician, bio  (44 quotes found)
Albert Frere Albert Frere - 1926-02-04, Businessman, bio  (1 quotes found)
Anna Freud Anna Freud - 1970-01-01, Psychologist, bio  (24 quotes found)
Amber Frey Amber Frey - 1975-02-10, Celebrity, bio  (13 quotes found)
Anna Friel Anna Friel - 1976-07-12, Actress, bio  (22 quotes found)
Al From Al From - 1943-05-31, Politician, bio  (2 quotes found)
Alberto Fujimori Alberto Fujimori - 1938-07-28, Statesman, bio  (16 quotes found)
Annette Funicello Annette Funicello - 1942-10-22, Actress, bio  (33 quotes found)
Anna Friel's quote
April Glaspie's quote
Arthur Godfrey's quote
Anthony Goldbloom's quote
Antony Gormley's quote
Amy Grant's quote
Aaron Funk Aaron Funk - 1975-01-11, Musician, bio  (1 quotes found)
Allen Funt Allen Funt - 1914-09-16, Celebrity, bio  (2 quotes found)
Antoine Fuqua Antoine Fuqua - 1966-01-19, Director, bio  (24 quotes found)
Alan Furst Alan Furst - 1941-02-20, Author, bio  (20 quotes found)
Andrea M. Ghez Andrea M. Ghez - 1965-06-16, Scientist, bio  (9 quotes found)
Alberto Giacometti Alberto Giacometti - 1970-01-01, Sculptor, bio  (17 quotes found)
A. Bartlett Giamatti A. Bartlett Giamatti - 1938-04-04, Educator, bio  (25 quotes found)
Alexi Giannoulias Alexi Giannoulias - 1976-03-16, Politician, bio  (12 quotes found)
Andy Gibb Andy Gibb - 1958-03-05, Musician, bio  (14 quotes found)
Althea Gibson Althea Gibson - 1927-08-25, Athlete, bio  (8 quotes found)
Adam Giles Adam Giles - 1973-04-10, Politician, bio  (5 quotes found)
Aidan Gillen Aidan Gillen - 1968-04-24, Actor, bio  (27 quotes found)
Allen Ginsberg Allen Ginsberg - 1926-06-03, Poet, bio  (18 quotes found)
Annabeth Gish Annabeth Gish - 1971-03-13, Actress, bio  (6 quotes found)
April Glaspie April Glaspie - 1942-04-26, Diplomat, bio  (2 quotes found)
Alma Gluck Alma Gluck - 1970-01-01, Musician, bio  (20 quotes found)
Arthur Godfrey Arthur Godfrey - 1903-08-31, Entertainer, bio  (17 quotes found)
Andrew Gold Andrew Gold - 1951-08-02, Musician, bio  (2 quotes found)
Arthur Goldberg Arthur Goldberg - 1908-08-08, Judge, bio  (6 quotes found)
Anthony Goldbloom Anthony Goldbloom - 1983-06-21, Businessman, bio  (14 quotes found)
Al Goldstein Al Goldstein - 1936-01-10, Publisher, bio  (23 quotes found)
Andy Goldsworthy Andy Goldsworthy - 1956-07-26, Artist, bio  (37 quotes found)
Alberto Gonzales Alberto Gonzales - 1955-08-04, Public Servant, bio  (17 quotes found)
Amy Goodman Amy Goodman - 1957-04-13, Journalist, bio  (9 quotes found)
Andrew Goodman Andrew Goodman - 1943-11-23, Activist, bio  (4 quotes found)
Austan Goolsbee Austan Goolsbee - 1969-08-18, Public Servant, bio  (22 quotes found)
Alison Gopnik Alison Gopnik - 1955-06-16, Psychologist, bio  (47 quotes found)
Ariel Gore Ariel Gore - 1970-06-25, Journalist, bio  (21 quotes found)
Antony Gormley Antony Gormley - 1950-08-30, Artist, bio  (36 quotes found)
Alan Gorrie Alan Gorrie - 1946-07-19, Musician, bio  (2 quotes found)
Andy Grammer Andy Grammer - 1983-12-03, Musician, bio  (8 quotes found)
Antonio Gramsci Antonio Gramsci - 1970-01-01, Politician, bio  (6 quotes found)
Ariana Grande Ariana Grande - 1993-06-26, Actress, bio  (16 quotes found)
Amy Grant Amy Grant - 1960-11-25, Musician, bio  (32 quotes found)
Anne Grant Anne Grant - 1970-01-01, Poet, bio  (6 quotes found)
Asa Gray Asa Gray - 1970-01-01, Scientist, bio  (22 quotes found)
Ari Graynor Ari Graynor - 1983-04-27, Actress, bio  (10 quotes found)
Andrew Greeley Andrew Greeley - 1928-02-05, Clergyman, bio  (30 quotes found)
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Moment of love

When we ask for love, we don't ask others to be fair to us-but rather to care for us, to be considerate of us. There is a world of difference here between demanding justice... and begging or pleading for love.

 ✍ Author: Mortimer Adler

Moment of joy

Man cannot live without joy; therefore when he is deprived of true spiritual joys it is necessary that he become addicted to carnal pleasures.

 ✍ Author: Maya Angelou

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