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List of authors quotes by "E"

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Esther Dyson Esther Dyson - 1951-07-14, Scientist, bio  (24 quotes found)
Emilie de Ravin Emilie de Ravin - 1981-12-27, Actress, bio  (40 quotes found)
Ethan Embry Ethan Embry - 1978-06-13, Actor, bio  (39 quotes found)
Elizabeth Emken Elizabeth Emken - 1963-04-04, Politician, bio  (4 quotes found)
Eliot Engel Eliot Engel - 1947-02-18, Politician, bio  (22 quotes found)
Ernst Engel Ernst Engel - 1970-01-01, Economist, bio  (2 quotes found)
Eve Ensler Eve Ensler - 1953-05-25, Playwright, bio  (44 quotes found)
Enya Enya - 1961-05-17, Musician, bio  (37 quotes found)
Erik Erikson Erik Erikson - 1902-06-15, Psychologist, bio  (9 quotes found)
Erik H. Erikson Erik H. Erikson - 1902-06-15, Psychologist, bio  (2 quotes found)
Ernst Engel's quote
Enya's quote
Elliott Erwitt's quote
Emilio Estevez's quote
Edward Forbes's quote
Elizabeth George's quote
Elliott Erwitt Elliott Erwitt - 1928-07-26, Photographer, bio  (47 quotes found)
Emilio Estevez Emilio Estevez - 1962-05-12, Actor, bio  (41 quotes found)
Erik Estrada Erik Estrada - 1949-03-16, Actor, bio  (12 quotes found)
Edith Evans Edith Evans - 1970-01-01, Actress, bio  (5 quotes found)
Edward Everett Edward Everett - 1970-01-01, Statesman, bio  (15 quotes found)
Eve Jihan Jeffers Eve Jihan Jeffers - 1978-11-10, Musician, bio  (6 quotes found)
Eugene Field Eugene Field - 1970-01-01, Poet, bio  (7 quotes found)
Eva Figes Eva Figes - 1932-04-15, Author, bio  (2 quotes found)
Edmond H. Fischer Edmond H. Fischer - 1920-04-06, Scientist, bio  (3 quotes found)
Ernst Fischer Ernst Fischer - 1970-01-01, Writer, bio  (6 quotes found)
Eric Fischl Eric Fischl - 1948-03-09, Artist, bio  (5 quotes found)
Emerson Fittipaldi Emerson Fittipaldi - 1946-12-12, Driver, bio  (25 quotes found)
Edward Fitzgerald Edward Fitzgerald - 1970-01-01, Poet, bio  (15 quotes found)
Ernie Fletcher Ernie Fletcher - 1952-11-12, Politician, bio  (10 quotes found)
Eddie Floyd Eddie Floyd - 1935-06-25, Musician, bio  (7 quotes found)
Errol Flynn Errol Flynn - 1909-06-20, Actor, bio  (37 quotes found)
Edward Forbes Edward Forbes - 1970-01-01, Scientist, bio  (6 quotes found)
Esther Forbes Esther Forbes - 1970-01-01, Author, bio  (2 quotes found)
Edsel Ford Edsel Ford - 1970-01-01, Businessman, bio  (1 quotes found)
Ellen Forney Ellen Forney - 1968-03-08, Artist, bio  (8 quotes found)
Emma Forrest Emma Forrest - 1977-12-26, Journalist, bio  (7 quotes found)
Eugene Forsey Eugene Forsey - 1904-05-29, Politician, bio  (1 quotes found)
Emmet Fox Emmet Fox - 1970-01-01, Author, bio  (15 quotes found)
Eddie Foy Eddie Foy - 1970-01-01, Actor, bio  (1 quotes found)
E. Franklin Frazier E. Franklin Frazier - 1970-01-01, Sociologist, bio  (4 quotes found)
Elizabeth Fry Elizabeth Fry - 1970-01-01, Clergyman, bio  (2 quotes found)
Edward Furlong Edward Furlong - 1977-08-02, Actor, bio  (20 quotes found)
Ernest Gellner Ernest Gellner - 1925-12-09, Philosopher, bio  (1 quotes found)
Elizabeth George Elizabeth George - 1949-02-26, Author, bio  (18 quotes found)
Elbridge Gerry Elbridge Gerry - 1970-01-01, Politician, bio  (1 quotes found)
Estelle Getty Estelle Getty - 1923-07-25, Actress, bio  (4 quotes found)
Edward Gibbon Edward Gibbon - 1970-01-01, Historian, bio  (37 quotes found)
Emily Giffin Emily Giffin - 1972-03-20, Author, bio  (18 quotes found)
Elizabeth Gilbert Elizabeth Gilbert - 1969-07-18, Novelist, bio  (74 quotes found)
Eric Gill Eric Gill - 1970-01-01, Sculptor, bio  (3 quotes found)
Ed Gillespie Ed Gillespie - 1962-08-01, Politician, bio  (40 quotes found)
Ellen Glasgow Ellen Glasgow - 1970-01-01, Novelist, bio  (20 quotes found)
Evelyn Glennie Evelyn Glennie - 1965-07-19, Musician, bio  (48 quotes found)
Elinor Glyn Elinor Glyn - 1970-01-01, Author, bio  (4 quotes found)
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Moment of love

Love of country is like love of woman - he loves her best who seeks to bestow on her the highest good.

 ✍ Author: Felix Adler

Moment of joy

The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it.

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