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List of authors quotes by "G"

Some authors have a biography and you can goto by link "profile" for take a look it.
George Martin George Martin - 1926-01-03, Producer, bio  (9 quotes found)
George R. R. Martin George R. R. Martin - 1948-09-20, Author, bio  (8 quotes found)
George Mason George Mason - 1970-01-01, Statesman, bio  (19 quotes found)
Gerald Massey Gerald Massey - 1970-01-01, Poet, bio  (2 quotes found)
Gene Mauch Gene Mauch - 1925-11-18, Athlete, bio  (7 quotes found)
Guy de Maupassant Guy de Maupassant - 1970-01-01, Writer, bio  (6 quotes found)
Glen Mazzara Glen Mazzara - 1967-07-06, Producer, bio  (12 quotes found)
Giuseppe Mazzini Giuseppe Mazzini - 1970-01-01, Activist, bio  (9 quotes found)
George B. McClellan George B. McClellan - 1970-01-01, Soldier, bio  (5 quotes found)
George McClellan George McClellan - 1970-01-01, Soldier, bio  (1 quotes found)
George Herbert Mead's quote
George Michael's quote
Giorgio Moroder's quote
Garrett Morris's quote
Georgette Mosbacher's quote
Grandma Moses's quote
Gary McCord Gary McCord - 1948-05-23, Athlete, bio  (14 quotes found)
Gates McFadden Gates McFadden - 1949-03-02, Actress, bio  (3 quotes found)
George McGovern George McGovern - 1922-07-19, Politician, bio  (68 quotes found)
Gerald McRaney Gerald McRaney - 1947-08-19, Actor, bio  (10 quotes found)
George H. Mead George H. Mead - 1970-01-01, Philosopher, bio  (16 quotes found)
George Herbert Mead George Herbert Mead - 1970-01-01, Philosopher, bio  (2 quotes found)
George Meany George Meany - 1970-01-01, Activist, bio  (1 quotes found)
Golda Meir Golda Meir - 1970-01-01, Leader, bio  (39 quotes found)
Gregor Mendel Gregor Mendel - 1970-01-01, Scientist, bio  (2 quotes found)
Gian Carlo Menotti Gian Carlo Menotti - 1911-07-07, Composer, bio  (6 quotes found)
George Meredith George Meredith - 1970-01-01, Novelist, bio  (22 quotes found)
Grace Metalious Grace Metalious - 1924-09-08, Novelist, bio  (3 quotes found)
Giacomo Meyerbeer Giacomo Meyerbeer - 1970-01-01, Composer, bio  (3 quotes found)
George Michael George Michael - 1963-06-25, Musician, bio  (69 quotes found)
George Mikes George Mikes - 1912-02-15, Writer, bio  (7 quotes found)
Gary Miller Gary Miller - 1948-10-16, Politician, bio  (20 quotes found)
George Miller George Miller - 1950-02-17, Comedian, bio  (11 quotes found)
Glenn Miller Glenn Miller - 1904-03-01, Musician, bio  (4 quotes found)
George Richards Minot George Richards Minot - 1970-01-01, Scientist, bio  (2 quotes found)
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola Giovanni Pico della Mirandola - 1970-01-01, Writer, bio  (13 quotes found)
Gabriela Mistral Gabriela Mistral - 1970-01-01, Poet, bio  (2 quotes found)
George J. Mitchell George J. Mitchell - 1933-08-20, Politician, bio  (26 quotes found)
Gretchen Mol Gretchen Mol - 1972-11-08, Actress, bio  (11 quotes found)
George Montgomery George Montgomery - 1916-08-29, Artist, bio  (11 quotes found)
Garry Moore Garry Moore - 1915-01-31, Celebrity, bio  (1 quotes found)
George A. Moore George A. Moore - 1970-01-01, Novelist, bio  (8 quotes found)
George Edward Moore George Edward Moore - 1970-01-01, Philosopher, bio  (6 quotes found)
Gordon Moore Gordon Moore - 1929-01-03, Businessman, bio  (4 quotes found)
Greg Moore Greg Moore - 1975-04-22, Celebrity, bio  (2 quotes found)
Gwen Moore Gwen Moore - 1951-04-18, Politician, bio  (27 quotes found)
Giorgio Morandi Giorgio Morandi - 1970-01-01, Artist, bio  (7 quotes found)
Gustave Moreau Gustave Moreau - 1970-01-01, Artist, bio  (4 quotes found)
George Morgan George Morgan - 1924-06-28, Musician, bio  (2 quotes found)
Giorgio Moroder Giorgio Moroder - 1940-04-26, Producer, bio  (20 quotes found)
Garrett Morris Garrett Morris - 1937-01-25, Comedian, bio  (1 quotes found)
Gouverneur Morris Gouverneur Morris - 1970-01-01, Statesman, bio  (4 quotes found)
Grant Morrison Grant Morrison - 1960-01-31, Writer, bio  (16 quotes found)
Georgette Mosbacher Georgette Mosbacher - 1947-01-16, Businesswoman, bio  (9 quotes found)
George Moscone George Moscone - 1929-11-24, Politician, bio  (1 quotes found)
Grandma Moses Grandma Moses - 1970-01-01, Artist, bio  (10 quotes found)
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Moment of love

There is only one situation I can think of in which men and women make an effort to read better than they usually do. It is when they are in love and reading a love letter.

 ✍ Author: Mortimer Adler

Moment of joy

If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.

 ✍ Author: Oscar Wilde

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