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List of authors quotes by "J"

Some authors have a biography and you can goto by link "profile" for take a look it.
Jacques Delors Jacques Delors - 1925-06-20, Economist, bio  (25 quotes found)
Julie Delpy Julie Delpy - 1969-12-21, Actress, bio  (13 quotes found)
Jonathan Demme Jonathan Demme - 1944-02-22, Director, bio  (28 quotes found)
Jack Dempsey Jack Dempsey - 1970-01-01, Athlete, bio  (11 quotes found)
Joe Dempsie Joe Dempsie - 1987-06-22, Actor, bio  (3 quotes found)
Jeremy Denk Jeremy Denk - 1970-05-16, Musician, bio  (5 quotes found)
James Denton James Denton - 1963-01-20, Actor, bio  (31 quotes found)
John Denver John Denver - 1943-12-31, Musician, bio  (19 quotes found)
John Derek John Derek - 1926-08-12, Actor, bio  (2 quotes found)
Jacques Derrida Jacques Derrida - 1930-07-15, Philosopher, bio  (26 quotes found)
Jack Dempsey's quote
Jacques Derrida's quote
Joyce DiDonato's quote
J. P. Donleavy's quote
Joe Donnelly's quote
Jerry Doyle's quote
Jason Derulo Jason Derulo - 1989-09-21, Musician, bio  (14 quotes found)
Jude Deveraux Jude Deveraux - 1947-09-20, Author, bio  (2 quotes found)
Jenna Dewan Jenna Dewan - 1980-12-03, Actress, bio  (22 quotes found)
James Dewar James Dewar - 1970-01-01, Scientist, bio  (1 quotes found)
Joyce DiDonato Joyce DiDonato - 1969-02-13, Musician, bio  (8 quotes found)
Jared Diamond Jared Diamond - 1937-09-10, Author, bio  (45 quotes found)
Junot Diaz Junot Diaz - 1968-12-31, Writer, bio  (131 quotes found)
James Dickey James Dickey - 1923-02-02, Novelist, bio  (17 quotes found)
John Dickey John Dickey - 1970-01-01, Politician, bio  (10 quotes found)
Janice Dickinson Janice Dickinson - 1953-02-17, Model, bio  (52 quotes found)
Joan Didion Joan Didion - 1934-12-05, Author, bio  (59 quotes found)
John G. Diefenbaker John G. Diefenbaker - 1970-01-01, Statesman, bio  (3 quotes found)
Jeroen Dijsselbloem Jeroen Dijsselbloem - 1966-03-29, Politician, bio  (7 quotes found)
John Dillinger John Dillinger - 1903-06-22, Criminal, bio  (8 quotes found)
Jonathan Dimbleby Jonathan Dimbleby - 1944-07-31, Writer, bio  (30 quotes found)
Jamie Dimon Jamie Dimon - 1956-03-13, Businessman, bio  (31 quotes found)
Jim Dine Jim Dine - 1935-06-16, Artist, bio  (6 quotes found)
John Dingell John Dingell - 1926-07-08, Politician, bio  (25 quotes found)
Jeane Dixon Jeane Dixon - 1918-01-03, Celebrity, bio  (2 quotes found)
James C. Dobson James C. Dobson - 1936-04-21, Psychologist, bio  (2 quotes found)
James Dobson James Dobson - 1936-04-21, Psychologist, bio  (8 quotes found)
John Doerr John Doerr - 1951-06-29, Businessman, bio  (12 quotes found)
Jason Dohring Jason Dohring - 1982-03-30, Actor, bio  (10 quotes found)
James Donald James Donald - 1917-05-18, Actor, bio  (2 quotes found)
J. P. Donleavy J. P. Donleavy - 1926-04-23, Dramatist, bio  (33 quotes found)
Joe Donnelly Joe Donnelly - 1955-09-29, Politician, bio  (5 quotes found)
Jeffrey Donovan Jeffrey Donovan - 1968-05-11, Actor, bio  (19 quotes found)
Jimmy Doolittle Jimmy Doolittle - 1970-01-01, Aviator, bio  (2 quotes found)
John Doolittle John Doolittle - 1950-10-30, Politician, bio  (27 quotes found)
Jamie Dornan Jamie Dornan - 1982-05-01, Actor, bio  (9 quotes found)
Jack Dorsey Jack Dorsey - 1976-11-19, Businessman, bio  (27 quotes found)
Julie Doucet Julie Doucet - 1965-12-31, Artist, bio  (6 quotes found)
James H. Douglas James H. Douglas - 1952-06-21, Politician, bio  (8 quotes found)
Jerry Doyle Jerry Doyle - 1956-07-16, Actor, bio  (13 quotes found)
Jim Doyle Jim Doyle - 1945-11-03, Politician, bio  (11 quotes found)
Julia Louis-Dreyfus Julia Louis-Dreyfus - 1961-01-13, Actress, bio  (32 quotes found)
John Drinkwater John Drinkwater - 1970-01-01, Poet, bio  (20 quotes found)
John Dryden John Dryden - 1970-01-01, Poet, bio  (62 quotes found)
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Moment of love

If I am constantly working, my relationships fail. So at least now I can have enough time to write a happy record. And be in love and be happy. And then I don't know what I'll do. Get married. Have some kids. Plant a nice vegetable patch.

 ✍ Author: Adele

Moment of joy

From then on, I realized this is what I want to do, what I'm supposed to do: Giving energy and receiving it back through applause. I love it. That's my world. I love it. I enjoy it. I live for it.

 ✍ Author: Erykah Badu

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