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List of authors quotes by "K"
Some authors have a biography and you can goto by link "profile" for take a look it.Moment of love
I find the selectivity of erotic love - the choice of this man or this woman - much more intelligible if liking the person is the origin of sexual interest, rather than the other way.
✍ Author: Mortimer AdlerMoment of joy
The marvelous richness of human experience would lose something of rewarding joy if there were no limitations to overcome. The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse.
✍ Author: Helen KellerOther famous authors
B. B. King
E. B. White
I. F. Stone
M. C. Escher
R. A. Butler
S. E. Hinton
Uday Hussein
V. S. Naipaul
Zac Hanson