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Be Thankful Quotes

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I will forever be thankful to the Malawians and international community, and my professional army and army general, who said: 'No, we will follow the constitution.' That's why I'm here.

Tags: Said, Thankful, Why  ✍ Author: George Bancroft

If I can do one hundredth part for the Indian that Mrs. Stowe did for the Negro, I will be thankful.

Tags: Hundredth, Indian, Thankful  ✍ Author: Helen Hunt Jackson

If I could write a story that would do for the Indian one-hundredth part what 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' did for the Negro, I would be thankful the rest of my life.

Tags: Life, Thankful, Write  ✍ Author: Helen Hunt Jackson

Talent is God-given; be humble. Fame is man-given; be thankful. Conceit is self-given; be careful.

Tags: Humble, Talent, Thankful  ✍ Author: Connie Mack

In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican.

Tags: Politics, Sorrow, Thankful  ✍ Author: H. L. Mencken

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Be Thankful quote #2
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Be Thankful quote #2
Be Thankful quote #2
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