Befitting Quotes
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The United States is a big country but unfortunately it seems it has the brain of a little bird not befitting the greatness of the country.
Tags: Big, Brain, Country ✍ Author: Akbar Hashemi RafsanjaniThe noblest exercise of the mind within doors, and most befitting a person of quality, is study.
Tags: Mind, Study, Within ✍ Author: William RamsayThe great majority of men, especially in France, both desire and possess a fashionable woman, much in the way one might own a fine horse - as a luxury befitting a young man.
Tags: Great, Men, Woman ✍ Author: StendhalSocial media has created a legion of social delinquents, billions of people speaking not their minds but their spleens, venting everything from the gum-cracking snark befitting a hair-twisting mallrat to the froth-flecked rage of a bell tower marksman.
Tags: Media, Minds, Social ✍ Author: Steven Weber