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Big Ones Quotes

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Big Ones quote #1
Big Ones quote #2

Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves.

Tags: Best, Care, Time  ✍ Author: Dale Carnegie

The little people must be sacred to the big ones, and it is from the rights of the weak that the duty of the strong is comprised.

Tags: Big, Rights, Strong  ✍ Author: Victor Hugo

If you're going to fail, you might as well fail at the big ones.

Tags: Big, Fail, Might  ✍ Author: Dean Kamen

In a litigation-happy society, clear agreements often prevent small disagreements from becoming big ones.

Tags: Big, Small, Society  ✍ Author: Connie Mack

People make jokes about my bosoms, why don't they look underneath the breasts at the heart? It's obvious I've got big ones and if people want to assume they're not mine, then let them.

Tags: Big, Heart, Why  ✍ Author: Dolly Parton

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Big Ones quote #2
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Big Ones quote #2
Big Ones quote #2
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