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Ian Harding's Profile

Brief about Ian Harding: By info that we know Ian Harding was born at 1986-09-16. And also Ian Harding is American Actor.

Some Ian Harding's quotes. Goto "Ian Harding's quotation" section for more.

My favorite subject was either English or History. I had a really awesome high school education.

Tags: Education, History, School

My mom is in the navy and my dad works for the army, but I never called them 'sir' or 'ma'am' or anything like that, and we never really moved around a lot because both my parents were stationed in D.C.

Tags: Dad, Mom, Parents

If any human being is to reach full maturity both the masculine and feminine sides of the personality must be brought up into consciousness.

Tags: Both, Human, Maturity

Conflict is the beginning of consciousness.

Tags: Beginning, Conflict
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