Mark Zupan's Profile
Brief about Mark Zupan: By info that we know Mark Zupan was born at 1975-05-20. And also Mark Zupan is American Athlete.
Some Mark Zupan's quotes. Goto "Mark Zupan's quotation" section for more.For those of you who worry that I am a skinhead and anything that goes along with that, I am not.
Tags: Along, Goes, WorryFor those people who don't know what Whiteboy clothing is, it is not a white-supremacy thing. It is a great clothing line that just says, 'Have fun.'
Tags: Fun, Great, LineI met Evan Rachel Wood, James Woods, Kevin Bacon at Sundance. Steve Buscemi is pretty laid-back. I met Judy Greer in Vegas, and she was cool.
Tags: Cool, Pretty, SheIf I can be an inspiration for someone, that's fine, but just don't look down on me. Don't say, 'Oh, you're in a wheelchair.'
Tags: Fine, Oh, SomeoneJust because we are in wheelchairs doesn't mean we can't play a fast-paced, full-contact sport.
Tags: MeanLife's too short not to laugh about yourself and the cards you're dealt.
Tags: Laugh, Life, YourselfMan, if they played the commercials for 'Murderball' as much as they do for 'Hustle & Flow,' 'Murderball' would blow up!
Tags: Flow, Hustle, PlayedPeople aren't familiar with wheelchair sports. The only film crew in Athens for the Paralympics was the documentary crew.
Tags: Familiar, Film, SportsThe whole thing is you don't want to be pigeon-holed as 'Oh, he's a guy in a wheel chair. He's very fragile. You better watch out.'
Tags: Guy, Watch, WholeThere really isn't anything more refreshing then iced Coke out of the old-school glass bottles.
Tags: Coke, Glass, RefreshingWith all the traveling and promotion I've been doing for 'Murderball,' its been difficult keeping up with my rugby training.
Tags: Difficult, Keeping, TrainingFocus on what you want to do. Don't be scared to try stuff. You only live once. Get your mind towards what you want to do and you'll achieve it. It makes it fun. You gotta take risks at times. Risks pay off.
Tags: Focus, Fun, MindI feel pain everywhere. A lot of guys in chairs do feel their legs. But if you don't, there's a thing called disreflex, so you know if something happens, say, you can't feel your foot or your leg and your body reacts. You know something's not right and you survey what's going on.
Tags: Body, Happens, PainRelated topics
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