Bridges Quotes
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Land bridges were everywhere during the extinction, many species were spreading, and there were many diseases.
Tags: Extinction, Land ✍ Author: Robert T. BakkerBridges become frames for looking at the world around us.
Tags: Become, Looking ✍ Author: Brandon T. JacksonMusic history has flowed under the bridges for many years.
Tags: History, Music ✍ Author: Gavin BryarsInstead of building walls, we should be building bridges.
Tags: Building, Walls ✍ Author: Vicente FoxDragons and bridges are very much something out of fairy tales and fantasy.
Tags: Fairy, Fantasy ✍ Author: John HowePoliticians are the same all over. They promise to build bridges even when there are no rivers.
Tags: Build, Promise ✍ Author: Nikita Khrushchev