British Columbia Quotes
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There are a few Chinese smuggled in over the borders of British Columbia on the north and Mexico on the south.
Tags: British, Few, South ✍ Author: Roy KeaneAs many as three million people are expected to attend the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, British Columbia. The security concerns and economic opportunities are great for both Canada and Washington state.
Tags: Both, Great, State ✍ Author: Rick LarsenAs a kid in British Columbia, going back a long way, I learned to skate.
Tags: British, Kid, Learned ✍ Author: Steve YzermanThe avian influenza found in mainland British Columbia poses no significant threat to human health.
Tags: Found, Health, Human ✍ Author: Clark M. CliffordMarriage commissioners who choose not to marry homosexuals are being fired. A Knights of Columbus chapter in British Columbia is in court because it chooses not allow a lesbian group to use its facility for marriage ceremonies. The list goes on.
Tags: Group, Lesbian, Marriage ✍ Author: Stockwell Day