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Charlie Fink's Quotes

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Born: 1986-05-16
Profession: Musician
Nation: British
Biography of Charlie Fink

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Charlie Fink's quote #1
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Charlie Fink's quote #4

Creatively, I try to always look forward and look at the next thing I want to do.

Tags: Forward, Next, Try

For your songs to connect with people, they've got to mean something to you.

Tags: Connect, Mean, Songs

I'd love to do film and soundtracks, and you couldn't do much better than James Bond.

Tags: Bond, Film, Love

I've always had this thing where I can't stop. I hate standing still.

Tags: Hate, Standing, Stop

I've never really thought of myself as a singer.

Tags: Singer, Thought

The weird thing is, I'm very private.

Tags: Private, Weird

I can only speak for myself, but public school did nothing for me musically. I got the impression a musical career was frowned upon. But in the arts, resistance can often be the strongest inspiration.

Tags: Career, School, Speak

When you start playing music when you're quite young, it's easy to stay young. And then you're touring, and you see people who've been on the road for 10 or 15 years and they just haven't grown up at all.

Tags: Music, Start, Young

You're lucky I took me a vow of non-violence, or you'd be suffering some pain right now.

Tags: Lucky, Pain, Suffering
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