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Class Background Quotes

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The American cinema in general always made stories about working-class people; the British rarely did. Any person with my working-class background would be a villain or a comic cipher, usually badly played, and with a rotten accent. There weren't a lot of guys in England for me to look up to.

Tags: American, General, Guys  ✍ Author: Michael Caine

One of the strengths I derive from my class background is that I am accustomed to contempt.

Tags: Background, Class, Contempt  ✍ Author: Dorothy Allison

I'm from a lower middle class background; all my family were immigrants.

Tags: Class, Family, Middle  ✍ Author: Billy Corgan

I come from a very working-class background, so my family would have been downstairs in the past, as opposed to upstairs. People are often quite surprised to hear that, that I'm not actually posh.

Tags: Family, Often, Past  ✍ Author: Michelle Dockery

One of the nicest things about receiving the accolade of Australia is that, previously, the knighthood was historically for what was termed 'the establishment.' Now, this is an accolade for somebody who comes from a working-class background. Someone whose father was a truck driver and decided to buy a truck.

Tags: Father, Somebody, Someone  ✍ Author: Lindsay Fox

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