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Class Clown Quotes

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Class Clown quote #1
Class Clown quote #2

Back then I was called Dumbo because of my ears. I was called Fatty, too. It was hurtful so I became like the class clown. I became the one who was kicked around.

Tags: Class, Clown, Hurtful  ✍ Author: Britt Ekland

I was never the class clown or anything like that. When I was growing up and doing theatre in Seattle I was always doing very dramatic work. Now I can't get a dramatic role to save my life!

Tags: Life, Theatre, Work  ✍ Author: Anna Faris

I was never a class clown or anything like that, but I do remember being in the first grade and my teacher, Mr. Chad, told the class one day that we were going to do some exercises. He meant math exercises, but I stood up and started doing jumping jacks. To this day, I don't know what possessed me to do that, but all my friends cracked up.

Tags: Friends, Remember, Teacher  ✍ Author: Will Ferrell

Class clowns become actors.

Tags: Become, Class, Clowns  ✍ Author: Jasper Fforde

I actually was class clown, but I don't know how that happened because I've never been considered an outwardly funny person-as the people in this room will attest.

Tags: Actually, Funny, Happened  ✍ Author: Janeane Garofalo

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Class Clown quote #2
Class Clown quote #2
Class Clown quote #2
Class Clown quote #2
Class Clown quote #2
Class Clown quote #2
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