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Clinton Administration Quotes

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Clinton Administration quote #1
Clinton Administration quote #2

The U.S. is by far the biggest exporter of arms in the world. It was true during the Clinton administration, and it's true during the Bush administration. It's bipartisan.

Tags: Biggest, Far, True  ✍ Author: Stavros Niarchos

The Clinton administration launched an attack on people in Texas because those people were religious nuts with guns. Hell, this country was founded by religious nuts with guns. Who does Bill Clinton think stepped ashore on Plymouth Rock?

Tags: Country, Hell, Rock  ✍ Author: P. J. O\'Rourke

Mistakes were made is something we heard back in '92, and that has sort of been the Clinton administration's mantra. I can't imagine that Al Gore is going to pick up that statement and carry it through the next election.

Tags: Election, Mistakes, Next  ✍ Author: Barbara Olson

The first term of the Clinton administration was very jolly. Everybody was running around meeting people and of course, in the second term, everyone went down the black hole, which also happened at the end of the Reagan administration.

Tags: Black, End, Everyone  ✍ Author: Sally Quinn

I think back a little bit when President Bush was elected President and what kind of economy he inherited from the Clinton administration. The economy was going down. It was not doing well.

Tags: Bit, Economy, President  ✍ Author: Wayne Allard

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Clinton Administration quote #2
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Clinton Administration quote #2
Clinton Administration quote #2
Clinton Administration quote #2

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