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Conscious Thought Quotes

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Conscious Thought quote #1
Conscious Thought quote #2

It is our less conscious thoughts and our less conscious actions which mainly mould our lives and the lives of those who spring from us.

Tags: Lives, Spring, Thoughts  ✍ Author: Samuel Butler

Well, to be honest I think I'm a better short story writer than a novelist. Novels I find very hard, hours and hours, weeks and weeks, of conscious thought - whereas short stories slip out painlessly in a few days.

Tags: Hard, Short, Thought  ✍ Author: Earle Brown

I think about the characters I've created and then I sit down and start typing and see what they will do. There's a lot of subconscious thought that goes on. It amazes me to find out, a few chapters later, why I put someone in a certain place when I did. It's spooky.

Tags: Someone, Thought, Why  ✍ Author: Tom Clancy

Conscious thought is the tidying up at the end.

Tags: Conscious, End, Thought  ✍ Author: Tre Cool

The joy of songwriting only gets messed up if you are trying to follow up a big success, or you are trying to create a hit single, or if you have conscious thoughts of a particular outcome for the music.

Tags: Music, Single, Success  ✍ Author: Tim Finn

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Conscious Thought quote #2
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Conscious Thought quote #2
Conscious Thought quote #2
Conscious Thought quote #2
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