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Constraint Quotes

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Constraint quote #1
Constraint quote #2

There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect.

Tags: Human, Mind, Progress  ✍ Author: Ronald Reagan

Virtuous people often revenge themselves for the constraints to which they submit by the boredom which they inspire.

Tags: Boredom, Often, Revenge  ✍ Author: Paulo Coelho

But as for activism, my parents did what they could, given the constraints, but were never involved in the causes I think of when I think of activists.

Tags: Causes, Involved, Parents  ✍ Author: Paul Farmer

You don't have to travel, but I find extended travel to be a helpful tool for reexamining yourself and the constraints you've artificially placed on your life. It's easy to believe everything has to be done one way if you're always in one place around the same people.

Tags: Life, Travel, Yourself  ✍ Author: Timothy Ferriss

Alliances and international organizations should be understood as opportunities for leadership and a means to expand our influence, not as constraints on our power.

Tags: Leadership, Means, Power  ✍ Author: Chuck Hagel

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