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Construct Quotes

See the gallery for tag and special word "Construct". You can to use those 8 images of quotes as a desktop wallpapers.
Construct quote #1
Construct quote #2

If something is easy to repair, it is easy to construct.

Tags: Easy, Repair  ✍ Author: Leo Fender

When you construct a mix tape, the first song you come out with has to be a barnburner.

Tags: Mix, Song  ✍ Author: Sherman Alexie

I recognise that Socialism has ended its purely theoretical course, and that the hour to construct has come.

Tags: Hour, Socialism  ✍ Author: John Burns

A story is how we construct our experiences.

Tags: Story  ✍ Author: Doris Lessing

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Construct quote #2
Construct quote #2
Construct quote #2
Construct quote #2
Construct quote #2
Construct quote #2
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