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Daniel Dae Kim's Quotes

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Born: 1968-08-04
Profession: Actor
Nation: South Korean
Biography of Daniel Dae Kim

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Daniel Dae Kim's quote #5

There is as much wisdom in listening as there is in speaking - and that goes for all relationships, not just romantic ones.

Tags: Goes, Romantic, Wisdom

But with two boys and a new puppy, we don't get out much. We're usually home doing stuff together as a family, like watching 'Modern Family.'

Tags: Family, Home, Together

I like to think that I'm not as ominous in real life.

Tags: Life, Ominous, Real

I'm funny at home too, but not deliberately. My wife is usually laughing at me rather than with me.

Tags: Funny, Home, Wife

It saddens me to know that I jeopardized the welfare of the kind people of Hawaii, a community that I love and call my home.

Tags: Community, Home, Love

I have done a lot of things outside of Science Fiction, but there has been an almost disproportionate amount of that genre in my body of work. I don't know what to make of it.

Tags: Done, Science, Work

My wife will tell you it's the little things, like driving my boys to school on my days off so she can rest. We're not into PDA, but every time we end a phone conversation, we say 'sarang,' which means love in Korean.

Tags: Love, School, Time

There's something about being in a house with an audience, and having that immediate feedback. I started acting because of that energy; it's what feeds me on stage and informs my choices.

Tags: Acting, Energy, Started

Well, here's what I'll say: The storytellers of 'Lost' have taken us on a pretty great journey, and there have been questions along the way, and criticisms along the way, but if you look at the totality of the show, or the experience of it as a whole, I think as long as you look at it from that perspective you'll be happy.

Tags: Experience, Great, Happy

What's great in theater is that you can sustain the arc of a character for a full three hours, whereas in film or TV, you have to create that arc in little pieces, and usually out of sequence.

Tags: Character, Film, Great
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