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Democracies Quotes

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Democracies quote #2

Republics decline into democracies and democracies degenerate into despotisms.

Tags: Decline, Degenerate, Republics  ✍ Author: Maya Angelou

As in Athens, the right to participate was restricted to men, just as it was also in all later democracies and republics until the twentieth century.

Tags: Later, Men, Until  ✍ Author: Robert A. Dahl

I see corruption as a mortal enemy for young democracies.

Tags: Corruption, Enemy, Young  ✍ Author: Idris Elba

The growing tide of anti-Semitism shocks the conscious of everyone who values freedom, and the ugly, hateful acts particularly stain the character of democracies where liberty and religious freedom are supposed to be respected.

Tags: Character, Freedom, Liberty  ✍ Author: Mike Ferguson

These fledgling democracies in the Middle East, they're actually fighting for their freedom. And what are they rioting for in England? Leisurewear.

Tags: Actually, Fighting, Freedom  ✍ Author: Noel Gallagher

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