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Demographics Quotes

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Demographics quote #1
Demographics quote #2

HD doesn't mean anything to me. It's a technical thing. It's like demographics. A lot of people know about it.

Tags: Mean, Technical  ✍ Author: Craig Ferguson

And there's a lot of that stuff with people bringing their kids, kids bringing their parents, people bringing their grandparents - I mean, it's gotten to be really stretched out now. It was never my intention to say, this is the demographics of our audience.

Tags: Kids, Mean, Parents  ✍ Author: Jerry Garcia

This is a very difficult question. If you take a look at the aging population and demographics, we are going to have a big increase in the number of health care jobs needed in the state and in the country.

Tags: Care, Country, Health  ✍ Author: David Obey

The point of our demographics is that we're not having as many children and the population is stagnant, if not declining. So without immigration, we're not going to have the population.

Tags: Children, Point, Population  ✍ Author: Susan Oliver

Social Security faces financial problems down the road because of demographics.

Tags: Problems, Road, Social  ✍ Author: John S. Tanner

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