Development Quotes
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All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual.
Tags: Human, Individual, Society ✍ Author: Albert EinsteinI have always had this view about the modern education system: we pay attention to brain development, but the development of warmheartedness we take for granted.
Tags: Attention, Brain, Education ✍ Author: Dalai LamaBut no nation can base its survival and development on luck and prayers alone while its leadership fritters away every available opportunity for success and concrete achievement.
Tags: Alone, Leadership, Success ✍ Author: Ibrahim BabangidaOur approach to economic development must be modern, focused and in tune with the global trend.
Tags: Economic, Focused, Modern ✍ Author: Ibrahim BabangidaThe return of democracy in our land has indeed thrown the problems of development into bolder relief.
Tags: Democracy, Problems, Return ✍ Author: Ibrahim Babangida