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Diego Boneta's Quotes

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Born: 1990-11-29
Profession: Musician
Nation: Mexican
Biography of Diego Boneta

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Diego Boneta's quote #1
Diego Boneta's quote #2

Overall I think that the most important thing is to have true friends, and always to stay true to yourself and never try to be somebody that you're not.

Tags: Friends, True, Yourself

Before every performance I feel nervous.

Tags: Nervous

I always try to be a reliable friend.

Tags: Friend, Reliable, Try

I'm a very romantic and passionate guy.

Tags: Guy, Passionate, Romantic

When you're with girl you want to be with, everything's perfect.

Tags: Girl, Perfect
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Diego Boneta's quote #2
Diego Boneta's quote #2
Diego Boneta's quote #2
Diego Boneta's quote #2
Diego Boneta's quote #2
Diego Boneta's quote #2
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