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Different Set Quotes

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Different Set quote #1
Different Set quote #2

When you're on TV, you're looking at a half-page of material, trying to memorize it really quickly. By the time it's on TV, I've already forgotten what I said, but I can still recite my whole role from Shakespeare in the Park. It works a different set of muscles.

Tags: Said, Time, Trying  ✍ Author: Jesse Tyler Ferguson

In my own recent String Trio I attempt to superimpose two quite different sets of formal strategies, both of which, ultimately, refer back to historical precedent.

Tags: Attempt, Both, Quite  ✍ Author: Brian Ferneyhough

It is the logic of consumerism that undermines the values of loyalty and permanence and promotes a different set of values that is destructive of family life.

Tags: Family, Life, Loyalty  ✍ Author: Christopher Lasch

Every man should have laws of his own, I should think; commandments of his own, for every man has a different set of circumstances wherein to work - or worry.

Tags: Laws, Work, Worry  ✍ Author: Gilbert Parker

There came a time when these two incompatible notions of who I was, well, something had to give. Either that 'something' is where you acquiesce to the world around you and you conform, or you sort of defiantly break whatever remaining bonds connect you to that world and create for yourself a different set of values.

Tags: Give, Time, Yourself  ✍ Author: Sarah Jessica Parker

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Different Set quote #2
Different Set quote #2
Different Set quote #2
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