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Different Styles Quotes

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Different Styles quote #1
Different Styles quote #2

I think it is the weak and the young and the minorities that you need to look after to get a healthy creative environment - to get a lot of choices, a lot of different styles of music, a lot experimental stuff that everyone else feeds off.

Tags: After, Music, Young  ✍ Author: Peter Gabriel

Everybody's got a different sense of humor. It's just different styles.

Tags: Everybody, Humor, Sense  ✍ Author: Colin Quinn

I enjoy all aspects of singing and I'm luckily given the choice to be part of different styles of music.

Tags: Choice, Enjoy, Music  ✍ Author: Bryn Terfel

Comedy covers such a wide range of different styles that I'm not really qualified to talk on all of them any more than anyone else is.

Tags: Comedy, Else, Talk  ✍ Author: Tim Vine

Each simian had a much different body suit, so besides trying to define class across species, there was a definite attempt to dress each group in different styles.

Tags: Body, Group, Trying  ✍ Author: Hayley Atwell

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Different Styles quote #2
Different Styles quote #2
Different Styles quote #2
Different Styles quote #2
Different Styles quote #2
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