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Donald Driver's Quotes

Donald Driver profile photo

Born: 1975-02-02
Profession: Athlete
Nation: American
Biography of Donald Driver

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Donald Driver's quote #1
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Donald Driver's quote #4
Donald Driver's quote #5

I grew up homeless, you know, lived in and out of U-Haul trucks and, you know, apartment houses, friends.

Tags: Friends, Homeless, Lived

I'm born and raised in Houston, Texas, but Wisconsin is always going to be a home for me, and I'll always be back.

Tags: Born, Home, Texas

It took me 13 years to win a Super Bowl. But it only took me one season to win a 'mirror ball.'

Tags: Mirror, Took, Win

This is an opportunity to walk away from the game knowing that I've given it all that I can.

Tags: Away, Game, Knowing

Everywhere I go now, people are like, 'That's the guy from 'Dancing With the Stars!'' It's pretty good that you're not just a football player but you're in the entertainment world.

Tags: Football, Good, Pretty

God has blessed me to be where I'm at today. All the trials and tribulations I faced throughout my career and life. Look at where I'm at now, I'm the all-time Packers leading receiver of that franchise. That tells you a lot.

Tags: God, Life, Today

I play in front of 70,000 fans week in and week out, and I may drop the ball in practice, I may run the ball the wrong way, but once it's game time, it's game on.

Tags: Game, May, Time

I'm not trying to be the highest-paid receiver in the National Football League. I've never received that, and that's not ever going to happen. So I'm fine with what I have, I make good money, and I'm happy about it.

Tags: Good, Happy, Money

I've always said I never want to wear another uniform. I've always said that I owe it to the fans to retire as a Packer. I feel like I can still play, but if I can't play for my organization, then I can't play for anyone else.

Tags: Another, Else, Said

You know, even though I feel that I can still play the game, God has made the answer clear to me. Retirement is now. I have to retire as a Green Bay Packer.

Tags: Game, God, Though
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