Drivers Quotes
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I know the British people and they are not passengers - they are drivers.
Tags: British, Passengers ✍ Author: David CameronI don't aspire to be like other drivers - I aspire to be unique in my own way.
Tags: Aspire, Unique ✍ Author: Lewis HamiltonI believe to have been one of the rare drivers to have returned to Ferrari.
Tags: Ferrari, Rare ✍ Author: Jacky IckxWe must do a better job of educating all drivers to be safer on the road.
Tags: Job, Road ✍ Author: Johnny IsaksonLos Angeles is peopled by waiters and carpenters and drivers who are there to be actors.
Tags: Angeles, Los ✍ Author: Patrick DuffyIn India, there are real consequences to inattention; drivers who jeopardize pedestrians can be lynched on the spot.
Tags: India, Real ✍ Author: Bharati Mukherjee