Enzo Ferrari's Quotes
Born: 1970-01-01
Profession: Designer
Nation: Italian
Biography of Enzo Ferrari
The client is not always right.
Tags: ClientI have never gone on a real trip, never taken a holiday. The best holiday for me is spent in my workshops when nearly everybody else is on vacation.
Tags: Best, Else, RealIt's true that I have never met any man whom I thought altogether resembled me - but only because my faults are so enormous.
Tags: Faults, Thought, TrueRacing is a great mania to which one must sacrifice everything, without reticence, without hesitation.
Tags: Great, Racing, SacrificeBut each time I seemed to be climbing into a roller coaster and finding myself coming through the downhill run with that sort of dazed feeling that we all know.
Tags: Feeling, Run, TimeI have yet to meet anyone quite so stubborn as myself and animated by this overpowering passion that leaves me no time for thought or anything else. I have, in fact, no interest in life outside racing cars.
Tags: Life, Passion, Time