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Executive Branch Quotes

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As a dad, you are the Vice President of the executive branch of parenting. It doesn't matter what your personality is like, you will always be Al Gore to your wife's Bill Clinton. She feels the pain and you are the annoying nerd telling them to turn off the lights.

Tags: Dad, Pain, Parenting  ✍ Author: Jim Gaffigan

When conducted with proper preparation, and in a focused and professional manner, oversight of executive branch actions can reveal serious shortcomings by government officials and help prevent recurrence; the 'Waco hearings,' conducted over a two-week period in 1995, stand as an example of such an undertaking.

Tags: Government, Help, Serious  ✍ Author: Bob Barr

The legislature's job is to write law. It's the executive branch's job to interpret law.

Tags: Job, Law, Write  ✍ Author: George W. Bush

In the executive branch, winning by a whisker is as good as winning in a landslide, but not so in the Senate.

Tags: Good, Senate, Winning  ✍ Author: Lincoln Chafee

The executive branch maneuvered this result deftly.

Tags: Branch, Executive, Result  ✍ Author: Alan Cohen

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