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Falter Quotes

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Falter quote #2

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

Tags: America, Lose, Ourselves  ✍ Author: Abraham Lincoln

No great deed is done by falterers who ask for certainty.

Tags: Ask, Done, Great  ✍ Author: George Eliot

There is no sea more dangerous than the ocean of practical politics none in which there is more need of good pilotage and of a single, unfaltering purpose when the waves rise high.

Tags: Good, Politics, Single  ✍ Author: Thomas Huxley

I can look back on my life, where there have been moments where things might have gone the other way. Everything is like stepping stones, and I've seen people I admire falter. We're all vulnerable.

Tags: Life, Might, Seen  ✍ Author: Hugh Jackman

Reagan is held up to us as an example of never raising taxes. Correction: Reagan raised taxes six of his eight years as president. Why? He was a pragmatist, not doctrinaire. He saw problems emerging, and when his policies faltered he changed his views. Flexibility, not rigidity.

Tags: President, Problems, Why  ✍ Author: Al Jardine

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