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Fernando Quotes

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Fernando quote #2

I had no idea where these kids at a small private college in the San Fernando Valley were coming from, why they were coming to hear me, or what they needed to know.

Tags: Kids, Small, Why  ✍ Author: David Antin

My two great heroes are W. B. Yeats and Fernando Garcia Lorca.

Tags: Great, Heroes, Yeats  ✍ Author: Leonard Cohen

I grew up half in South Central and half in the San Fernando valley.

Tags: Half, South, Valley  ✍ Author: Cheech Marin

North Hollywood isn't actually Hollywood, it's in the San Fernando Valley... it's not the most glamorous part of L.A.

Tags: Actually, Glamorous, Hollywood  ✍ Author: Elizabeth McGovern

I get heartbroken flying into L.A. It's just this feeling of unspecific loss. Can you imagine what the San Fernando Valley was when it was all wheat fields? Can you imagine what John Steinbeck saw?

Tags: Feeling, Imagine, Loss  ✍ Author: Edward Norton

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