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Filling Quotes

See the gallery for tag and special word "Filling". You can to use those 8 images of quotes as a desktop wallpapers.
Filling quote #1
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Filling quote #3

I couldn't see myself filling some definite niche in what is called a career. This was all misty.

Tags: Career, Niche  ✍ Author: Carl Sandburg

Everything's intentional. It's just filling in the dots.

Tags: Dots  ✍ Author: David Byrne

The here-and-now is no mere filling of time, but a filling of time with God.

Tags: God, Time  ✍ Author: John W. Foster

If you ain't got your black hat, there ain't no use in filling out an application.

Tags: Black, Hat  ✍ Author: Greg Moore

I don't really like filling my brain with a lot of stuff.

Tags: Brain, Stuff  ✍ Author: Jim Thome

We're all kind of basically involved in the same thing, putting up a blank of some kind and filling it in.

Tags: Blank, Involved  ✍ Author: Jason Wiles

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