Followers Quotes
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I don't want followers.
✍ Author: Noam ChomskyTwitter freaks me out. You have followers? It feels so obsessive and proprietary.
Tags: Feels, Obsessive ✍ Author: Mos DefI have a Twitter and have followers from all over the world. It's pretty overwhelming.
Tags: Pretty, Twitter ✍ Author: Dot JonesEverybody think they're famous when they get 100,000 followers on Instagram and 5,000 on Twitter.
Tags: Everybody, Famous ✍ Author: Meek MillLeaders don't create followers, they create more leaders.
Tags: Create, Leaders ✍ Author: Tom PetersPol Pot carried out through the years enormous purges against his own followers because of his paranoia.
Tags: Against, Paranoia ✍ Author: Sydney Schanberg