Forgot Quotes
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How happy is the blameless vestal's lot? The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Tags: Forgetting, Happy ✍ Author: Alexander PopeDuring the 1960s, I think, people forgot what emotions were supposed to be. And I don't think they've ever remembered.
Tags: Emotions, Remembered ✍ Author: Andy WarholBut unfortunately, in my unrelenting drive to get back on that drum stool, the major casualty in all of it was that I really forgot about me.
Tags: Drive, Drum ✍ Author: Richie AllenMan is a messenger who forgot the message.
Tags: Message, Messenger ✍ Author: Abraham Joshua HeschelIn the quest to be clever, I completely forgot about the people that I love and that love me.
Tags: Clever, Love ✍ Author: John Mayer