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Fruition Quotes

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Fruition quote #2

To be given the opportunity to help shape new artists' careers and mentor them to see their dreams come to fruition is a task I welcome with open arms.

Tags: Artists, Dreams, Help  ✍ Author: Christina Aguilera

Fame and power are the objects of all men. Even their partial fruition is gained by very few; and that, too, at the expense of social pleasure, health, conscience, life.

Tags: Health, Life, Men  ✍ Author: Benjamin Disraeli

All earthly delights are sweeter in expectation than in enjoyment; but all spiritual pleasures more in fruition than in expectation.

Tags: Enjoyment, Spiritual, Sweeter  ✍ Author: Leo Fender

To be able to make decisions and see them come to fruition and feel the excitement around them, what it generates within the company, how the artists get motivated - that's the most rewarding part; feeling I can be a catalyst for an artistic experience for our artists and for the public.

Tags: Decisions, Experience, Feeling  ✍ Author: Karen Kain

Kids can be born with potential but unless it's encouraged - pushed, even - I don't think it will ever come to fruition.

Tags: Born, Kids, Unless  ✍ Author: Vanessa Mae

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