Gained Quotes
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In honour I gained them, and in honour I will die with them.
Tags: Die, Honour ✍ Author: Horatio NelsonFear? If I have gained anything by damning myself, it is that I no longer have anything to fear.
Tags: Fear, Longer ✍ Author: Jean-Paul SartreThere's a tremendous amount to be gained from being a performer, and being an artist, and being an actor.
Tags: Actor, Artist ✍ Author: Mayim BialikIf Edwards gained 60 pounds and lost all his hair, he'd look like Dick Cheney!
Tags: Hair, Lost ✍ Author: Neil CavutoI think George Foreman must have gained about 350 lbs and is slow as ever.
Tags: Foreman, Slow ✍ Author: Larry HolmesWe gained his operational capabilities and he gained our marketing skills.
Tags: Marketing, Skills ✍ Author: Mercer ReynoldsNothing ventured, nothing gained. And venture belongs to the adventurous.
Tags: Belongs, Venture ✍ Author: Navjot Singh SidhuI've really gained an appreciation for what coaches do since I returned to the NFL.
Tags: Coaches, Since ✍ Author: Mike SingletaryNothing risque, nothing gained.
✍ Author: Alexander Woollcott