Ghosts Quotes
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I have thought that I have seen ghosts on many occasions.
Tags: Seen, Thought ✍ Author: Taylor CaldwellThe more enlightened our houses are, the more their walls ooze ghosts.
Tags: Houses, Walls ✍ Author: Italo CalvinoI like the influence of the macabre, but I don't believe in ghosts.
Tags: Influence ✍ Author: Sophie Ellis BextorI love crime, I love mysteries, and I love ghosts.
Tags: Crime, Love ✍ Author: Martin Luther King, Jr.People like to think that actors are terribly worried about ghosts of other actors in the parts they play. But you just have to get on with it.
Tags: Parts, Worried ✍ Author: Matthew MacfadyenShakespeare also introduces the supernatural into some of his tragedies; he introduces ghosts, and witches who have supernatural knowledge.
Tags: Knowledge, Tragedies ✍ Author: Andrew Coyle BradleyI don't necessarily not believe in ghosts, but I've never seen a ghost. A ghost has never jumped out and been like, 'Hey, how's it going?'
Tags: Ghost, Seen ✍ Author: Sara Paxton