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Glitz Quotes

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My look is always glitzy for New Year's Eve, even if I am at home.

Tags: Eve, Home, Year  ✍ Author: Gloria Gaynor

I believe I would rather have Stieglitz like something - anything I had done - than anyone else I know.

Tags: Done, Else, Rather  ✍ Author: Georgia O\'Keeffe

Madonna can still produce a catchy pop song, but she hasn't expanded her artistic vocabulary since the 1990s. Her concerts are glitzy extravaganzas of special effects overkill. She leaves little space in them for emotional depth or unscripted rapport with the audience.

Tags: Emotional, Her, Special  ✍ Author: Camille Paglia

As a child, the person I admired most in the world was Lana Turner! She seemed the epitome of glamour, and her glitzy surroundings so enviable, the opposite of my mother's extremely banal taste.

Tags: Child, Her, Mother  ✍ Author: Lee Radziwill

The greatest work of art about New York? The question seems nebulous. The city's magic and majesty are distilled in the photographs of Alfred Stieglitz and Paul Strand.

Tags: Art, Greatest, Work  ✍ Author: Jerry Saltz

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