God Has A Plan Quotes
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You know, I'm a Christian and I believe that God has a plan and a purpose for each one of our lives and that he can intercede in all kinds of situations and we need to have a little faith in many things.
Tags: Christian, Faith, God ✍ Author: Sharron AngleSometimes I haven't understood why he has done things and why things happened, but I know that God has a plan.
Tags: Done, God, Why ✍ Author: Jan BrewerI was a freshman All-American, and I tore my ACL in the third game. But God has a plan for everything. I had a chance to turn away from Him in that situation or draw closer to Him. I decided to draw closer to Him, and came back stronger from it.
Tags: Game, God, Him ✍ Author: Robert Griffin IIIGod has a plan for all of us, but He expects us to do our share of the work.
Tags: God, Plan, Work ✍ Author: Minnie Pearl