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Grateful Dead Quotes

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When I grew up in the early '90s, the new World Wide Web felt like a gimmick, and I had no idea of the changes in store. In the summers, I'd backpack through Europe, follow the Grateful Dead. I had a car and a tent and traveled around the Great Lakes and out West. Jack Kerouac was my guiding light, his 'On the Road' a sacred text.

Tags: Car, Great, Light  ✍ Author: Dinesh D\'Souza

Back in the days, the groups and the bands that we listened to were like Earth, Wind and Fire, Santana and Grateful Dead. We don't have a lot of those bands anymore.

Tags: Dead, Fire, Grateful  ✍ Author: Sheila E.

But audio is a component of video, so there's always been that anyway, and although we've never expressed a visual side apart from the Grateful Dead movie, I don't find it that remote, you know what I mean? It's a departure of sorts, but it's like a first cousin.

Tags: Dead, Grateful, Mean  ✍ Author: Jerry Garcia

I have all the patience in the world about Sirens. For me it's not a Grateful Dead project, it's a Me project.

Tags: Dead, Grateful, Patience  ✍ Author: Jerry Garcia

We weren't by any means like the Grateful Dead or something, who could just roll on and on and on.

Tags: Dead, Grateful, Means  ✍ Author: Neil Innes

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Grateful Dead quote #2
Grateful Dead quote #2
Grateful Dead quote #2
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