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Great-Grandfather Quotes

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You can find virtually everybody black back as far as the 1870 census. Why 1870? That's when the ex-slaves first have surnames. But if you find your great-great-grandfather in 1870 and it says he's 50, that means he was born in 1820 and you're back to 1820 already. For an American that's pretty damned good, you know?

Tags: Black, Good, Pretty  ✍ Author: Henry Louis Gates

As a fluke, my great-grandfather hit one of the largest oil reserves in California.

Tags: California, Hit, Oil  ✍ Author: Armie Hammer

My great-great-grandfather Julius founded the Communist Party in New York.

Tags: Communist, Party, York  ✍ Author: Armie Hammer

There is no need to tell you that the 'Prince of Salina' is the Prince Lampedusa, my great-grandfather Giulio Fabrizio.

Tags: Prince, Tell  ✍ Author: Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

My great-grandfather, Karl Wallenda, was my biggest hero in life, my biggest inspiration behind everything I do.

Tags: Behind, Hero, Life  ✍ Author: Nik Wallenda

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