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Greenhouse Gases Quotes

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If we are to meet the growing electricity demand in the United States without significantly increasing emissions of greenhouse gases, we must maintain a diverse supply of electricity, and nuclear power must be part of that mix.

Tags: Growing, Power, United  ✍ Author: Judy Biggert

I've been vegan for 15 years, and it turns out it makes a very big impact on the environment to eat fewer animal products, which cause more greenhouse gases than all of transportation combined.

Tags: Big, Eat, Makes  ✍ Author: Emily Deschanel

Recent warming coincides with rapid growth of human-made greenhouse gases. The observed rapid warming gives urgency to discussions about how to slow greenhouse gas emissions.

Tags: Growth, Recent, Slow  ✍ Author: James Hansen

Growing hemp as nature designed it is vital to our urgent need to reduce greenhouse gases and ensure the survival of our planet.

Tags: Growing, Nature, Survival  ✍ Author: Willie Herenton

China will soon emit more greenhouse gases than America, but its regime knows if it caps aspirations there will be a revolution.

Tags: America, Knows, Revolution  ✍ Author: James Lovelock

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