Hairdressing Quotes
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My mother had a premonition and she felt that hairdressing would be very very good for me.
Tags: Good, Mother, She ✍ Author: Vidal SassoonFor nine years I worked to change what was hairdressing then into a geometric art form with color, perm without setting which had never been done before.
Tags: Art, Change, Done ✍ Author: Vidal SassoonI got a telegraph from my mother who said that my step-father had had a heart attack, come home and earn a living. So I went back to England and the only thing I knew to earn any cash was through hairdressing.
Tags: Heart, Home, Mother ✍ Author: Vidal SassoonHairdressing in general hasn't been given the kudos it deserves. It's not recognised by enough people as a worthy craft.
Tags: Enough, General, Worthy ✍ Author: Vidal SassoonI came home after a year and although my profession was only hairdressing, I knew I could change it.
Tags: After, Change, Home ✍ Author: Vidal Sassoon